The Super Simple 4-Step Funnel that Takes Prospects From ‘Click’ to Client in Less Than 48 Hours

(even if your price is $3,000 - $10,000 or more!)

  • Why complicated funnels and sales processes are a complete waste of time...and the simple process we use to enroll 5-figure clients like clockwork...
  • How we've earned $10 or more for every $1 that we spent on Facebook advertising for 4 years straight.
  • Why premium pricing is the secret to getting even better results for your clients than you are now...
  • How this one simple funnel generated $15 Million in 2018 ...and allows our best clients to go from total unknowns to 6-7 figures in record time...
  • Why launches, branding, blogging, endless content marketing, and grinding out endless videos are the WORST way to attract new clients...and what you can do to create immediate momentum today...
  • AND... how to do ALL of this while fulfilling your mission, getting stunning outcomes for your clients, and making the impact you were born to make!

Bruno Picinini

Bruno Picinini é o criador do movimento Marketing Raiz® — aquele que foca em conseguir mais clientes, e não só curtidas. Ele já ajudou mais de 25.000 alunos a conseguirem mais clientes sem virarem escravo das redes. Pai das gêmeas Maya e Luna, é considerado o 13º pior jogador de futevôlei do RS (mas faz um assado como ninguém!).

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BMP Empreendimentos Digitais · CNPJ: 17.119.047/0001-71   |   Endereço: Rua A. Carlos Berta, 475 Porto Alegre/RS, 91340-020

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